More Than 60 Years Of Combined Family Law Experience

Critical steps to take after a car accident

On Behalf of | May 13, 2019 | Firm News

If you have suffered an injury in any type of motor vehicle accident, you can expect to face a variety of challenges. In addition to your physical health, you may have concerns about emotional distress and the impact on your finances.

By taking the right steps after a car accident, you put yourself in position to make a full recovery and receive all the compensation you deserve.

Here are three steps to guide you:

  • Focus on your safety first: Your health and safety is top priority. Move your vehicle to a safe place, check yourself and your passengers for injuries and then administer first aid if necessary.
  • Call for help: Rather than take control yourself, call 911 to request police and an ambulance. Responding paramedics can stabilize your injuries and transport you to a local hospital. And police can take control of the accident, create a report and ensure that nothing else goes wrong.
  • Collect information: This is a challenge if you’re injured, but if you’re able to collect information regarding the accident, you should do so. This includes insurance information, license plate numbers, vehicle description, eyewitness contact information, accident scene location and the name of the responding police officer.

Should you hire an attorney?

There’s a very good chance you’re in position to obtain compensation after a motor vehicle accident. While it’s easy enough to file a claim with your car insurance company, this isn’t always the best way to get everything you deserve.

There are many places to look for compensation in addition to a car insurance policy, including:

  • Home insurance policy
  • Umbrella policy
  • Third party insurance
  • Underinsured or uninsured motorist insurance

Don’t fall into the trap of believing that your car insurance agent is on your side. As nice as they may be, they’re always looking out for their best interests.

With the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney, you never have to worry about making a mistake that affects your finances. Instead, you can focus on your health and recovery while your legal team does everything else.

Visit our website for more information on hiring a personal injury attorney, what to do after a car accident and related subject matter.