The question of why some marriages fail where others succeed is an important one for any North Carolina couple on the way to the altar. Prevailing wisdom has it that marriages always start off optimistically with high energy that wanes over time into stability and ease. In short, marriage is often seen as a path to a place couples are not enthusiastic about being once they get there. One Forbes contributor takes a closer look at the myth through the lens of a study found in Social Psychology and Personality Science.
According to the author, the existing literature has drawn heavily on one population for determining marriage trends, namely white and middle class couples. The study in question took a different tack by selecting its cohort from Los Angeles County’s economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. The authors found that economic security tended to influence satisfaction of women more so than men, even at the outset of the marriage.
Only about 10 percent of newlyweds reported low satisfaction, thus confirming the myth that most couples start off high energy. But the authors then discovered that moderately to highly satisfied couples tended to remain that way. It was dissatisfied newlyweds that were most likely to require family law professionals in the near future. Wives in couples facing greater economic risk were disproportionately seen in the low satisfaction group.
Although there is no magic statistical data to guarantee or doom a marriage at the outset, it doesn’t stop the desire to hope for the best and the need to plan for the worst. North Carolina residents who need to engage family law services for prenuptial planning, dealing with fallout from past marriages or protecting themselves in a divorce scenario may be best served by the assistance of an experienced attorney. A professional in family law can offer tailored guidance for individual circumstances and advocate for the client’s interests in legal matters.