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How negligence works in car accidents

On Behalf of | Dec 11, 2019 | personal injury

North Carolina drivers are likely interested in finding out how negligence applies to auto accidents. This information could help them drive safer and determine if they have a legal case against another person who caused an accident.

In order for negligence to apply to a car accident, there are certain criteria that need to be met. First, a requirement or an expectation for some type of reasonable care needs to exist. Individuals who possess a driver’s license are expected to drive safely in order to keep others safe. There has to be proof that care wasn’t exercised, such as a driver failing a breathalyzer test after the accident. Third, evidence needs to show that the negligence of the driver caused injury or loss.

One example of negligence would be going over the speed limit. While a person may have to adjust his or her speed because of road conditions and other factors, he or she is expected to maintain a speed that is at or under the limit set for that specific road. Another example would be not maintaining a safe following distance. Following too closely means that a person can’t stop in time if the vehicle in front of them stops quickly.

Other examples of negligence may involve drivers not adhering to traffic laws, being in control of their vehicle or keeping their car in good condition. Distracted driving can cause a person to take his or her eyes off the road, which could lead to an accident.

An individual who has been injured as the result of a car accident may wonder if he or she has a case against a negligent driver. A lawyer could examine the case and help a victim determine if negligence was really to blame for the accident. An attorney could also represent a client in court and help him or her recover compensation for his or her injury.