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Why you should file a wrongful death lawsuit after your loved one’s accidental death

On Behalf of | Mar 5, 2021 | personal injury

Many family members count on one another for emotional support and to keep their household finances afloat. It can be quite crippling when someone unexpectedly rips that person from your life.

North Carolina law, fortunately, allows you to recover monetary damages when a loved one dies due to someone else’s negligence. Whether you’re able to collect depends on the circumstances surrounding your incident. 

What remedies are available in personal injury cases?

Plaintiffs are eligible to receive monetary compensation (known as “damages”) if they file a successful personal injury lawsuit. These damages aim to make a plaintiff whole again, which equates to a similar state to how things were before the incident happened. While money will never replace a loved one, the idea is that the money can help stabilize their family and provide financial relief to their survivors.

Some examples of damages that a family member of someone who died in an auto accident may claim include the value of their loved one’s lost future wages or services, the cost of their final medical bills and reasonable funeral and burial costs. These are all economic-based damages.

There are also non-economic or punitive damages that plaintiffs can recover. These may include loss of consortium or companionship and quality of life, payment for pain and suffering and other damages. A judge or jury may award these to deter individuals from repeating similar acts.

Your right to file a wrongful death lawsuit

Each jurisdiction has its requirements as to who can file a wrongful death lawsuit following a loved one’s passing. Where a fatal incident occurs and how much insurance coverage or assets a defendant has may also impact what you’re able to recover in your Asheville case.

A personal injury attorney with experience in litigating North Carolina wrongful death cases can advocate for you if you’re looking to achieve the best results in your case.