More Than 60 Years Of Combined Family Law Experience

Addressing parental alienation 

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2021 | family law

The divorce process can be stressful at the best of times. However, when children are involved, the procedure can be even more problematic. 

In North Carolina, both parents have a legal right to maintain a relationship with their child, free from interference from the other parent. Sadly, on occasion, one parent may try to weaponize the child and turn them against the other parent. As a result, it is important to know what parental alienation is, how it occurs and whether it can be resolved. 

What is parental alienation?

Sometimes, one party in a divorce will be motivated by revenge. This means that they may act based on what could hurt the other parent, rather than what is in the best interests of the child. They may opt to provide the child with misinformation about the other parent, leading the child to form a negative opinion of the targeted parent. Typically, this is the root cause of parental alienation. 

Can parental alienation be resolved?

There is no one definitive symptom of parental alienation. However, one common factor is a drastic change in your child’s attitude towards you. They may begin to criticize you in ways that they hadn’t before. Furthermore, they may bring up information that they could have only found out from the other parent. 

When left unchecked, parental alienation can severely impact the parent-child relationship. Therefore, it is important to try and act promptly. Frequently, the recipient parent will retain the assistance of someone who is professionally trained in resolving family disputes. 

Familiarizing yourself with the concept of parental alienation is in your best interests. Doing so will protect your legal rights and ensure that your cherished parent-child relationship is healthily maintained.