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Do you need a lawyer after an accident?

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2021 | personal injury

A motor vehicle accident can be an extremely confusing time for the victim. Getting any medical attention they might need, dealing with any work constraints, and getting the compensation they deserve from the accident can be a considerable challenge. Why you are trying to make sense of everything, insurance companies may tell you to leave lawyers out of it, as they only complicate things more.

The cost of a car accident with medical expenses can be several hundred dollars or more. If an insurance company presents you with a quick settlement offer while telling you that you do not need an attorney, can you be sure they act in your best interests?

How an attorney can help you

When it comes to any personal injury claim, your attorney may be the closest ally in your pursuit of compensation. While insurance companies may seem nice by offering a quick settlement, a lowball offer is more likely to keep you from paying you the compensation you deserve.

Your personal injury lawyer can help you review your unique situation to determine what costs you should seek compensation for and help you negotiate for a settlement that accurately reflects those costs.

They can also help you collect necessary evidence for your claims, such as witness testimony, police reports, medical documentation, expense reports and pay stubs. By backing up your injury claim with substantial evidence, you are more likely to receive the funds you need to cover your injuries’ current and future costs.

You do not have to do this alone

Trying to focus on your health while pursuing the compensation you need can be an extreme challenge. Thankfully, you do not have to let it be one. Let a skilled and experienced personal injury attorney handle the challenges of your injury claim while you focus on your health. The sooner you reach out to a lawyer, the sooner you can see for yourself how they can help you.