More Than 60 Years Of Combined Family Law Experience

Useful tips for a high-asset divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2021 | family law

Navigating a divorce is never easy, especially if you and your ex-spouse cannot agree on pertinent issues like property division. High-asset divorces, especially,  have a knack for getting messy since each couple thinks they have more to lose compared to the other.

Finding a middle ground is not easy, and if you find yourself embroiled in such a situation, here are some helpful tips that may help you along the way.

Avoid emotional or rash decisions

Any mistakes or rash decisions may be costly. Since your emotions may be heightened at this time, it can lead you to make decisions out of anger and give up assets that were supposed to be part of your share. Making derogatory statements to your ex-spouse may paint a bad light on you, affecting the divorce outcome. For instance, such remarks could negatively affect custody orders.

Do not attempt to hide assets

While it may be tempting to hide or undervalue your assets to gain the upper hand, you may end up losing more than you tried to hide. Failing to disclose ownership or the true value of the assets you own is against the law. Firstly, you may be charged with perjury for lying to the court under oath besides losing the asset to your ex-spouse. In addition, you will lose credibility before the judge, which is likely to affect other aspects of our divorce.

Proceed with the necessary information

Given that there is a lot to lose, flying blind in a high-asset divorce is not advisable. Having proper knowledge of the law will go a long way in helping you get the share of the property you deserve. Remember, a lot will change post-divorce, more so on your finances. Therefore, you need to protect your interests from the word go, focusing on your life ahead.