More Than 60 Years Of Combined Family Law Experience

Year: 2022

Is divorce soon to become more likely?

People often talk about how common divorce is in the United States. They may say that 50% of marriages end in divorce. This is certainly a disputed statistic and the rates are different from year to year, but it’s an easy way to think about how often divorce happens....

Dealing with your wedding ring as you divorce

Your wedding ring probably isn’t one of your most valuable assets – even from a strictly monetary standpoint. However, if it’s worth a fair amount of money and you’re not interested in keeping it for sentimental reasons or handing it down to a child. What should you...

Gray divorces are often high-asset divorces

When most people think of divorce, they think of young couples who are just starting in life. However, the number of "gray divorces" between couples who have been married for a long time is rising. If you are over 50 and are suddenly facing a divorce, you need to know...