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2 reasons you shouldn’t trust an insurer after a car crash

On Behalf of | Mar 13, 2023 | personal injury

When you pay car insurance, you probably assume you are doing it for a good reason. You likely believe that having it guarantees you will get the money you need if injured in a crash.

Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Insurers don’t like paying out as it dents their profits. What’s more, they will often go to great lengths to avoid paying out entirely or reduce the amount they must pay. 

Here are some tactics to be aware of:

Claiming you do not need as much money as you claim

Let’s say you break a leg in a crash. You estimate that is going to cost a certain amount in medical bills and keep you off work for a certain number of weeks. Therefore, you will need $20,000 (or whatever amount you calculate) in compensation.

The insurer is likely to try and tell you that your medical bills will be lower, you will be back to work sooner, and therefore you need less compensation. It’s one of the reasons you should always get immediate medical attention, so doctors can assess you and provide written evidence to support your claim.

Claiming you were at fault, so they don’t need to pay

In most states, you can still claim some amount of compensation even if you contributed to the collision. North Carolina rules that out if the other party’s insurer can show you played any role at all. That’s why it’s important to protect your interests from the start.

It’s not easy to get the full amount of compensation you need if injured in a North Carolina car crash. Taking legal guidance will increase the chances you do.