Anyone looking at real estate trends over the last few years may feel particularly anxious about the idea of divorcing. With both and housing prices rising significantly, it is more difficult than ever before for even successful professionals to acquire real property that meets their needs while simultaneously fitting their budgets.
A parent with minor children considering a divorce filing has to contemplate the financial implications of ending a marriage. One of the biggest issues is taking the resources that previously paid for one residential property and finding ways for those same resources to cover the cost of two houses. Even downgrading to a rental home might not work given the high costs associated with multi-bedroom units and the need to have separate spaces for children.
Parents preparing for divorce may worry about housing and how a move might affect their children’s educations and social lives. They may want to consider a birdnesting custody arrangement.
How does birdnesting work?
Most birds construct nests that are only large enough for one adult bird and the eggs the female lays. In many species, both parents take turns sitting on the eggs and caring for the young. When the other arrives to care for the flightless baby birds, the other parent flies off in search of food.
A birdnesting custody arrangement for humans is similar. The parents agree to maintain joint ownership of the family home. The children remain in the space they have known for much of their lives. They can maintain their relationships with their friends and stay in the same schools.
The parents either divide the space in a way that allows them to live separately in the home or each maintain a separate living space outside of the marital home. Both arrangements can be less disruptive and more cost-effective than attempting to rent or buy living units that have adequate space for the children.
Birdnesting arrangements require careful planning, as parents must maintain clear expectations for one another and boundaries for their own protection and mental health. However, when approached appropriately, birdnesting arrangements can be useful for the entire extended family unit.
Families used to a comfortable standard of living in a competitive school district may find it prohibitively difficult to acquire alternative housing in the same school district during a divorce. Exploring every viable child custody solution can help parents ultimately arrive at the best arrangements possible for their families. A birdnesting custody arrangement is one of several unique solutions that may work for any particular family.