More Than 60 Years Of Combined Family Law Experience

3 changes to make to your child custody arrangement

On Behalf of | Jun 27, 2024 | family law

In a divorce where parents have children, they will have a child custody arrangement, either formally or informally. A formal child custody arrangement (separation agreement, parenting agreement or Court order) determines each parent’s rights, obligations and responsibilities.

There may be a reason to change a custody arrangement. Here are a few things you may need or want to change.

How often you have your children (Physical Custody)

A child custody arrangement determines how often you have physical custody of your child. You may have your child every other day, week or month. It will also deal with holidays and birthdays. Custody schedules often need to be changed over time to fit both parents’ schedules and a child’s needs. For example, a child with special needs may require more attention from one parent, a parent may move farther away or a parent’s school or work schedule may conflict with the current custody schedule.

How you communicate with your co-parent (Legal Custody)

If your separation was amicable its likely you have joint custody, communicating often with your co-parent, and coming to joint decisions. You may talk about what your child needs, schedule changes or other issues. If you and your co-parent frequently argue, then you may want to consider limiting communications through a parallel parenting plan. Parallel parenting could give you more autonomy over your child while they are with you and can change the custody schedule.

How often your ex has visitation

If you have sole custody of your child, then you are likely expected to take full responsibility regarding decisions for your child. (school, doctors, activities) However, this does not automatically give you authority to set the other parents contact. Your child’s other parent may have the right to visitation. There may be reasons to limit your child’s other parent’s visitation rights, if they endanger your child.  Safety concerns can come in a number of forms.  It is important that you consult an experienced family law attorney so they can assess  the level of risk and advise you of the appropriate action to take to protect your child.

Adam Bull is a an attorney licensed in North Carolina since 1992 and practicing in Asheville North Carolina concentrating on family law matters.

You can discuss your goals with a child custody arrangement with legal guidance. Learning more about your parenting rights could give you a better chance of getting the changes you’re seeking.