More Than 60 Years Of Combined Family Law Experience

The Legal Consequences Of Adultery

When a married person engages in criminal conversations, it’s the laws’ polite way of saying that he or she engaged in a sexual relationship with someone other than his or her spouse. In North Carolina, the third party can be sued for his or her actions. Bull & Reinhardt, PLLC is an Asheville-area law firm in a convenient location that represents people involved in divorce.

We help people on both sides of this issue — the spouse who committed adultery and the spouse who is bringing the criminal conversation claim. With more than 45 years of combined experience, we know that there are two sides to every story. You can trust our family law attorneys to guide you toward the best possible outcome for your specific situation.

What Are Criminal Conversations?

Emotions can run high when a divorce involves claims of alienation of affection, or adultery/ criminal conversation, or both. For a criminal conversation claim to be brought by a plaintiff, the following two elements must be present:

  • The spouses were married
  • The defendant engaged in a sexual relationship with the plaintiff’s spouse during the time of the marriage

Claims for alienation are often accompanied with claims for adultery or criminal conversation. Unlike alienation of affection claims, it is not required to prove that the marriage was one of genuine love and affection. Alienation of affection and criminal conversation are similar claims, but can be brought separately or together depending on the facts of each particular case. Compensatory and punitive damages may be awarded in whichever claim produced the most damages.

Adultery Issues In Your Divorce?

At Bull & Reinhardt, PLLC, we have years of experience representing clients in divorce cases involving adultery and criminal conversation claims. We know how to deal with these heart-wrenching, painful issues in a tactful manner that benefits you in the long run.

For more information, contact us online or call us at 828-254-0499 to schedule an initial consultation. Let us help you find clear solutions to your complex case.