Legal Help For Grandparents’ And Third-Party Rights
The fallout from heated divorces doesn’t impact just the couples who separate. In some cases, parents who gain custody may deny their ex-spouse’s parents the right to visit their grandkids. Regardless of whether they think they’re doing the right thing, these actions aren’t always optimal for the children.
The lawyers at Bull & Reinhardt, PLLC, believe that Asheville grandparents should be able to strengthen the bonds that help their grandkids adjust to major life changes like a divorce. We’ve spent years establishing ourselves by working to resolve challenging custody and visitation cases, and we look forward to advocating for your family’s rights next.
The Nuances Of Third-Party And Grandparents’ Rights
What determines whether courts award grandparents or other relatives the right to visit and care for their young family members? North Carolina judges and social workers are primarily concerned with doing what’s in the children’s best interests, but their good-intentioned efforts might not work out the way you hope. Many issues can complicate matters, such as the:
- Death, incarceration or indisposition of a parent
- Nature of a child’s relationships with their relatives
- Material and financial resources of those seeking custody
- Family history of those involved in the proceedings
Could talking to a Bull & Reinhardt, PLLC, lawyer help? We will work tirelessly to help you sidestep the potential pitfalls of family law. Our proficiency at structuring cases and our solid courtroom reputation work to your advantage as we assemble the many pieces you’ll need to persuade the court to grant your petition.
As Attorneys, We Pride Ourselves On Protecting Third-Party Rights
No two family law or child custody proceedings take the same form and the distinctions matter. Courts dig deeply to discover how potential guardians might provide for children financially, but they also investigate details as varied as school availability, employment, drug use histories and the children’s preferences. Although many of these factors are impossible to change in hindsight, the manner in which you prepare your case goes a long way in determining how the court regards your circumstances in its visitation or custody determination.
Our Asheville lawyers are here to help you face the system for your family’s benefit. Your relatives’ divorce shouldn’t mean that their children have to suffer, so we’re dedicated to helping you strengthen your ties. Find out how by calling us at828-254-0499 or complete our online contact form.