More Than 60 Years Of Combined Family Law Experience

Relocating After A Divorce Or Visitation Schedule Is Finalized In North Carolina

Life can bring unexpected opportunities, and sometimes those opportunities are out of state. After a divorce or child custody arrangement has been finalized, it is not uncommon for circumstances to change. Parents who wish to relocate out of state with their child have to get permission from the court.

At Bull & Reinhardt, PLLC, our attorneys have more than 60 years of combined experience and are recognized in the Asheville community and throughout western North Carolina for their ability to resolve tough and complicated cases. We understand that relocating with a child involves many legal considerations. We can help you request a relocation or removal.

When Does A Parent Need The Court’s Approval To Move Or Relocate?

In North Carolina, a parent generally needs the court’s approval to move or relocate with a child. This is especially true if the relocation would significantly impact an existing custody arrangement or parenting plan. Any move that would make it difficult for the noncustodial parent to maintain their visitation schedule must be approved by the court. Generally, if the move is out of state or far enough within the state to disrupt the current custody plan, you will likely need to seek the court’s permission.

What Do Courts Consider When Considering A Request To Relocate A Child Out Of State?

When deciding whether to approve a relocation request, the court always considers what is in the best interest of the child. Here are some factors the court in North Carolina will consider:

  • The reason for the move: Is the relocation necessary for employment, education or other significant reasons?
  • The impact on the child: How will the move affect the child’s emotional, educational, and social development?
  • The relationship with the noncustodial parent: Will the move significantly impair the child’s relationship with the noncustodial parent?
  • The proposed visitation plan: Is there a reasonable plan in place to ensure the noncustodial parent can maintain a meaningful relationship with the child?
  • The child’s preference: The court may consider the child’s preference depending on their age and maturity.

Our family law attorneys have extensive experience helping clients resolve complex relocation issues, even after their divorce decrees or paternity actions have been finalized. We will work with you to present a compelling case to the court, advocating for your rights and the best interests of your child. In the event mediation can help resolve your issues, our child custody lawyers can help you negotiate a workable solution in mediation.

Are You Considering A Relocation? Consult An Asheville Custody Attorney.

Our child custody attorneys want you to be able to take advantage of the opportunities in front of you. If you are considering relocation with your child and want to understand more about your options and obligations, we encourage you to contact Bull & Reinhardt, PLLC. To schedule an initial consultation, you can call our office at 828-254-0499 or send us a message through our website.