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Signs of dangerous stairs

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2020 | personal injury

One of the most high-traffic areas in any home is the stairway. The same, to a degree, goes for hotels, office buildings, restaurants and other buildings. The stairs see consistent traffic in a way that can wear them out faster than other areas of flooring.

This is a major problem because neglected wear and tear can be dangerous. All it takes is the smallest defect to cause someone to trip and fall. They may be fine if it happened on level ground, but falling down the stairs can lead to massive injuries. It’s important for property owners to look for the danger signs and make repairs in a prompt fashion. Some indicators that repairs are needed include:

  • The stairs are creaking and it’s getting worse. If this means the nails are pulling out, an entire tread could come loose.
  • Any of the treads move. Even a small amount of movement from a loose tread can cause a serious accident.
  • The treads have cracks in them. These are especially dangerous near nails or on the front edge of the tread.
  • Parts of the handrail, such as the main banister post or the rail itself, have come loose.
  • The treads are so worn at the front edge or in the middle that they slope and are no longer even.
  • The stairs have suffered from consistent moisture exposure and there is now rot or other water damage.

Those who get injured in an accident on a dangerous and neglected stairway must know what legal options they have for restitution. When you’re hurt, negotiating with an insurance company isn’t easy. An experienced advocate can help.